What you think, what you feel, what you do.
It's easier to see what people do, but not why they did it. It's easy to show people what you do, but not what's in your head. There's a struggle inside of us that we constantly as humans battle between what we think, feel & do. It's important to care about your mind self because it's the real you, the one that at the end determines how you feel & what you do. You're the only one that controls your mind & every action you make it's your responsibility.
The idea of rejection, not of the rejection itself it's what stop us from acting & doing what our guts feel like doing. The lack of confidence in yourself, stop you from achieving success. Believe in yourself, don't doubt in you. It's not just thinking about you doing something, you have to believe you can make it possible. Achievements are realistic because of beliefs people had of themselves.
Every time you wake up in the morning looking yourself in the mirror there's a reflection of your eyes, smiles, nose, ears & hair that doesn't even show a ten percent of who you are. That's not all there's to you. You're not seeing the amount of people you had made smile, the lives you had changed, the people you had helped, how strong you are, the battles you had overcome, at the contrary there's no reflection in the mirror that can show yourself as a whole. There's no mirror that has the capabilities to show the extraordinary in the ordinarie.
There's a difference between what you look, what you're thinking, what you're feeling, what you're doing that only you decide what to show to others. You're a beautiful creation, a magnificent person that needs to truly love yourself to start acting like it. By loving who you are you'll totally find an harmonizing sequence with your thoughts, feelings & actions. Let yourself shine wherever you go by showing that inner glow to the world.
Believe in yourself.
Believe that you can make the impossible, possible.