Opida travel documentary web series 

Opida es una serie web documental que será lanzada en Enero 2016 dirigida por Willian Reyes un apasionado joven universitario que ama a su país, capturar historias y resaltar esos pequeños lugares que Honduras tiene pero muchos no conocen. Este proyecto me encantó por lo cuál me surgieron ciertas preguntas las cuales fueron respondidas por su director, espero ustedes se animen a formar parte de algo grande también. 

1. ¿Por qué Opida?

La pérdida es un problema que aqueja a nuestro país, yo estoy enamorado de Honduras y decidí buscar un método que ayude a disminuir ese problema. Fue un proceso largo, después de investigar y de llevar una clase en la universidad, donde creé una revista de pueblos indígenas en Latinoamérica a la que llame Opida, porque en latín esa palabra significa "pueblos", decidí moldearla y crear esta serie documental.

2. ¿Qué te apasionó en crear el proyecto Opida?

Todo lo referente con la cultura de los pueblos me apasiona, en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica en general, los medios de comunicación se ven un poco limitados y son muchas las historias que conocemos por esta razón. Me remonto a mi infancia, recuerdo las historias que escuche y las personas que conocí. Me emociona que muchas de esas historias que moldean quienes somos vayan a ser conocidas.

3. ¿Cuál es una pequeña historia que te impactó durante tus viajes?

Está más que una historia es un recuerdo y es que yo disfrute de esa etapa que ya casi no se da, en la que tus abuelos te relatan cuentos, en mi caso fue mi bisabuelo Francisco, que cuando estábamos pequeños, mis primos y yo, nos contaba un par de historias, todas fantásticas y siempre una moraleja al final. Al pasar de los años la televisión y la edad fue matando aquello, además "papita" como lo llamábamos empezá a olvidar sus historias.

4. ¿Cuál es el primordial objetivo que Opida desea alcanzar?

Dar a conocer lo grande que es nuestra gente es el principal objetivo, se busca que la actitud de muchos cambie y vean a nuestro país grande, como siempre debió haber sido. 

5. ¿Cuáles son los rincones de Honduras que sus historias serán escuchadas? 

No te puedo adelantar mucho de los nombres de las comunidades, pero te mencionaré algunos de los departamentos en donde están ubicadas: Intibucá, Choluteca, Copán, Comayagua, Lempira, Cortés, Atlántida y posiblemente Gracias a Dios.

6. ¿Opida se enfocará solamente en la cultura de los pueblos o también permitirá a los habitantes compartir sus historias?

Opida, es una serie que por medio de los habitantes y su forma de vida que conoceremos sus aspectos culturales, serán ellos quienes nos contarán sus historias. 

7. ¿Opida va ser un proyecto únicamente en Honduras o va a trascender las fronteras nacionales?

Queremos que este proyecto sea grande, por ello se realizará la primera y segunda temporada en Honduras, luego continuaremos en otros países de Latinoamérica, se sabe que el camino para el éxito de este proyecto es largo y difícil, pero nos arriesgamos.

8. ¿Como Honduras y el mundo te puede ayudar con este proyecto?

Compartiendo en redes sociales acerca del proyecto, como dice el copy de la campaña: "Juntos podemos hacer que todos conozcan lo nuestro". Además la campaña del proyecto está Indiegogo donde pueden apoyar el proyecto para conseguir equipo técnico y producir algo de mayor calidad.

¡El asumió el reto de una nueva aventura, 
 parte de ella tu también!

I want to help!

Si te gustó el proyecto y deseas estar al día sobre Opida sigue las actualizaciones en Facebook.


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The power of words & true beauty 

So, I decided to type the world "beauty" on google to see how the internet defined it. The first result was:

"Beauty is the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something that give great pleasure, especially when looking at it" 

It annoyed me how is referred as just looking at, like a piece of object that brings pleasure just by a superficial glance. No, no, no. What's wrong with society? It's more than that. (apply to a person) 

Beauty is what the person makes you feel by who they are.
Beauty is their pretty mind.
Beauty is the way someone eyes looks only the good in others.
Beauty is confidence.
Beauty is the words spoken from the lips that kiss people's heart. 
Beauty is their giving & caring heart. 
Beauty is their beautiful soul.
Beauty is where passion is. 
Beauty is everything special that builds up a person as a whole.

If you want or not to wear make-up, it's your face. 
If you want to wear shorts or pants, it's your style. 
If you want to be yourself, just be, it's your life. 

Don't forget to live your life & enjoy your own skin, doesn't matter what you do people will always talk about you. Don't worry about them, everyone is beautiful but not everyone sees it. The problem is that beauty can only be seeing with closed eyes & open heart to truly experience it.

While navigating the internet I bumped to this video, couldn't believe how people get time out of their day to judge & hate. It made me question humanity & inspired me to write this post.

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14265131/?claim=e532rnwv5q5">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

what if we had dated

It probably hurts more never dating the person we loved than breaking up a relationship.

What if we had dated..is something that will consume you day by day until you find your special someone.

The head start creating this scenarios over and over again with the person you love. When you come back to reality questions about why you aren't wanted appear. Where it would all had lead you both? You start seeing what could had being, who would you had become & how happy you'd be.  The things you would had done for that person to show them your love but never had the chance to.

The fact that the person you wanted didn't really wanted you at the end, it hurts as hell. It's something wrong with yourself? The inconclusive answer that can't really know what went wrong like in relationships do. At the end you never really failed but neither succeed.

The pain of not knowing, the lack of closure it's what keeps your head spinning. The sad truth it's that you see that person as perfect because your expectations had never being broken, when in reality they aren't perfect. 

Don't believe you'll never find or fall in love for someone the way you did. At the end, you'll find the person that means the world to you and realize why you never dated the person that you believe you loved.

Had you ever loved someone but never end dating them?

El otro día tuve la oportunidad con otros compañeros y amigos de celebrar el día del niño, a un grupo muy especial. Lleno de juegos, risas, pizza, dulces, piñatas y pastel. Estas son algunas de las lecciones que estos pequeños me dejaron:

The other day I had the opportunity with colleagues and friends to celebrate Children's Day, to a very special group. Full of games, laughs, pizza, candies, piñatas and cake. This are some of the lesson that the kids gave me:

Recuerdo como por mientras jugábamos kickball una amiga le dijo a la niña que estaba a punto de patear que se pusiera los zapatos, pero ella se negó debido a que estaba acostumbrada a jugar y divertirse sin ellos, a su vez de esta manera lograría un disparo más fuerte. 

I remember while playing kickball a friend told the girl who was about to kick to put on her shoes, but she refused, because she was used to play and have fun without them also this way she was going to have a better chance to achieve a stronger shot.

En ese momento me puse a pensar que muchos hondureños en sus colonias o barrios juegan de esta manera la pelota: descalzos con el suelo hirviendo  o muchas veces bajo la lluvia que se resbalan pero no dejan de darlo todo. Existiendo realmente pasión, felicidad y trabajo en equipo sin importar el qué, el cómo, ni el cuándo. 

At that point I started thinking that many Hondurans in their neighborhoods play with the ball this way: in the bare soil that's boiling or sometimes under the rain slipping all over but still they give everything. There's really passion, happiness and teamwork regardless of what, how, or when. 

Probablemente muchos de nosotros no patearemos con tanta fuerza el balón o seríamos más sensibles al jugar descalzos que por cualquier cosa encontraríamos el pero para abandonarlo. Muchas veces en estas ocasiones son ellos quienes nos ayudan a nosotros y nos deja valiosas lecciones. 

Probably many of us wouldn't kick the ball so hard and  play barefoot because we would be "more sensitive" to anything, that would find an excuse to abandon it. Often on these occasions they are the ones who help us and leave us valuable lessons.

En nuestra universidad por los pasillos se encuentran dispensadores de hand sanitizer, los niños creyeron que era gelatina y bien emocionados se la empezaron a poner en el cabello. Dándome cuenta de que muchas veces tenemos a diario cosas de las cuales no valoramos y que otras personas ni siquiera tienen el conocimiento de ello. 

In our university the halls have hand sanitizer dispensers, the children thought it was gelatin and they very excited began to put some on their hair. Making me realize that often we have things in our daily basis that we do not value and that other people do not have any knowledge or a clue of it.

La parte más gratificante y el sentimiento más hermoso que puede haber es hacer y ver a un niño sonreír. Todo esto a ellos les fascinó, no se me olvida sus rostros por mientras repartimos el segundo pedazo de pizza que iban a comer, era una alegría y sus labios cubrían todas sus mejillas. Muchos de estos niños no tienen los suficientes recursos económicos para comer y en sus hogares comen muy poco. Agradece en todo momento el plato que tus padres te ponen en la mesa, no dejes ni tan siquiera una migaja y no olvides de alimentar al hambriento. 

The most rewarding part and the most beautiful feeling there exist, is to make and see a child smile. All this fascinated them, I will never forget  their faces while we gave them a second piece of pizza, it was a joy and his lips covered all their cheeks. Many of these children families do not have the financial resources to eat at home and if they do, they eat very little. Be thankful for every plate that your parents put on the table, do not leave any crumb and do not forget to feed the hungry.

Es increible como los niños sin saber nada sobre uno encuentran una conexión instantánea que inmediatamente te abrazan solo por una sonrisa y esa profunda relación que formas en un juego.

It's amazing how this kids without not knowing anything about you, they find an instant connection that immediately produce them to hug you just for a smile, or the deep relationship you build while playing a game. 

Creo que no hay cosa más hermosa que hacerle el día a alguien. Hoy haz algo lindo por alguien sin esperar nada a cambio, el sentimiento de ayudar es inigualable. 

I think there is no more beautiful thing than to make someone's day. Today do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return, the feeling of helping someone is out of this world.

¿Cuál es una lección qué te ha dejado un pequeño?

What's a lesson that a small kid gave you? 

Muchas personas dejaron de soñar hace mucho tiempo debido a que el miedo les dijo que no era posible y escucharon todas las voces de personas que los rodeaban, dejaron de creer en lo imposible , hicieron un lado su pasión, su destino, se pusieron una máscara para ocultar quiénes eran ellos realmente y convertirse en quienes la sociedad deseaba ver. 

Los pensamientos crearon altos muros y dejaron lo que deseaban al otro lado del miedo. Empezaron a perder su presente, por miedo al futuro, debido a su pasado que desde pequeños la sociedad les había dictado. Convirtiéndose en su propios enemigos al ser los constructores del miedo dentro de su mente que dominó su ser y oscureció todo sueño.  

El miedo es una decisión no es un estado, no existe realmente, es una creación de los propios pensamientos. La persona decide si tomar el control de su mente o que lo invadan y morir cada día un poco más por mientras se respira. La máxima señal que indica este muro es la batalla interna que debes enfrentar debido a que es tu deber ganar para alcanzar algo importante y cambiar el mundo con lo que estás destinado hacer; nunca dejes que el miedo de lo que podría pasar te detenta a lograr tu objetivo.
La verdad sobre el miedo: No le tienes miedo a la oscuridad tienes miedo a lo que hay en ella. No le tienes miedo a las alturas tienes miedo a caer. No tienes miedo hacia la gente que te rodea, tienes miedo al rechazo. No tienes miedo al amor, tienes miedo a no ser amado. 

Realmente concluimos que el miedo es únicamente un producto de los pensamientos, se teme más a lo que podría ser desde un punto de vista negativo, en vez de lo que podría brindar felicidad. Por lo cual se debe disfrutar el presente, intentar lo imposible y nunca rendirse.  

Está bien estar asustado, la vida no sería divertida si no tuviéramos que superar nuestros miedos. Debes ser rebelde contigo mismo, intentar lo que más temes, abrir tu mente, amar, equivocarte, aprender, ser fuerte y intentarlo todo de nuevo hasta que logres tu meta. Solo de esta manera logras ser la mejor versión que existe de tu ser, más sabio y más fuerte.

Deja de escuchar lo que el resto del mundo dice de tí y tus sueños, empieza a escuchar lo que tu corazón manda. Enloquece, se tu mismo y así contagiar esa actitud para que todos nos convirtamos en soñadores que trabajan arduamente por alcanzarlos.

Vuelve a soñar, remueve la máscara que te ha quitado una parte de tu ser y comienza a brillar hoy. Recuerda que no solo algunos estamos destinados a ser grandes y marcar la diferencia, sino que todos tenemos un propósito de usar nuestros dones para hacer un mundo mejor. 

Decide enfrentar tu miedo hoy, muestrale que deseas más tu sueño de lo que te aterra. 

¿Qué intentarías hacer hoy si no tuvieras miedo?
¡La decisión es tuya! 

La arma más poderosa del mundo es la educación.

El reloj marcaba las cinco de la mañana (5 a.m.) el día once (11) de Julio del presente año, más que nunca me había despertado con una gran alegría y nervios al emprender un viaje a El Progreso,con una finalidad transformar la educación de Honduras. Me encontraba en camino a mi destino San Pedro Sula donde me iba a encontrar con voluntarios dentro del aeropuerto que viajaban con el mismo propósito, ayudar. 

En el aeropuerto logré conectarme con grandes personas que contaron sus historias de sus anteriores viajes, lo que produjo una mayor emoción para dar inicio al reto; siendo ellos posteriormente una inspiración durante el viaje. Tomamos el bus camino a nuestro hostel, el calor empezaba a aumentar pero las energías sobrepasaron los niveles. Llegamos pronto a donde íbamos a llamar hogar en el cual niños de la comunidad Villa Soleada nos recibieron con una alegría, amor y venta de sus deliciosos productos. 

Me tocó compartir habitación con un gran grupo de 9 niñas, donde el estilo de vidas de todos cambiaria. Solo pusimos nuestras cosas en las habitaciones, inmediatamente salimos a jugar con los niños y conectarnos con historias de las familias. Logré aprender tanto de ellas, conjunto tener profundas conversaciones que me produjeron un enorme deseo de conocer más sobre cada uno. 

Recuerdo que doña Carmen contó con felicidad que tenía un hogar. Anteriormente ella vivía cerca de un río con toda la comunidad lo cual era súper riesgoso más en las temporadas de invierno. Shin, el fundador, llegó les planteó el proyecto y les dijo si quieren conseguir su casa deberán trabajar por ella pero recibirán mi apoyo. No todas las personas le creyeron, menos de la mitad decidió seguirlo. Me enseñó sus marcas en la piel que le habían quedado del arduo trabajo bajo el sol durante dos años construyendo su casita, pero todo el sudor valió la pena al poder habitarla actualmente, estar a su nombre y poder llamarla hogar. 

Me gustó que dicho proyecto no regala a los que necesitan, de esta manera no vuelve dependiente a la población, sino que les da la oportunidad de tener acceso a lo básico teniendo la posibilidad de trabajar por ello. Lo que anteriormente era un enorme obstáculo al ni siquiera existir el medio para realizarlo, hoy es una realidad. 

El segundo día o capítulo se basaba en recorrer la zona. Logramos aprender el estilo de vida que tienen en el lugar, en el cual producen sus alimentos de esta manera se ahorran los altos costos de los mercados. El sistema de agua natural que obtienen para adquirir este recurso básico. Visitamos otras aldeas donde se habían construido o estaban en proceso de construcción escuelas en viajes anteriores por otros voluntarios de diferentes países.

Recuerdo que una lágrima casi se me derrama cuando Shin contó cómo un señor estaba tan comprometido en la construcción de la escuela sin recibir un pago a cambio, debido a que su mayor deseo era que sus hijos asistieran a esa escuela y tuvieran la oportunidad de una educación. En ese momento aprecié enormemente la oportunidad de estudio que toda mi vida se me ha dado y que otros la desean, pero no tienen el acceso.

Al mediodía estábamos de vuelta a nuestra aldea, donde varias familias nos permitieron entrar a sus hogares y cocinar junto a ellos un espectacular almuerzo catracho. Consistía de baleadas, cual es una tortilla de harina, frijoles, aguacate, huevo, chorizo, mantequilla y queso. A la vez hicimos unos pastelitos de piña, que los acompañamos con un delicioso café puro. Convivimos con toda la familia y conocimos más sobre su estilo de vida.

Después de nuestra aventura en los hogares de la aldea eran las dos de la tarde, los rayos del sol estaban fuertes y era hora de trabajar. Sin mencionar que El Progreso es denominada el infierno debido a las grandes temperaturas de calor en la zona. Empecé a llenar cubetas de arena con la pala, cargar baldes y transportarlos hasta donde debíamos empezar a rellenar las bases. No sentía mi cuerpo apenas de unas horas. Posteriormente, juntos miramos una película que reflejaba la vida de las maras y las situaciones que viven múltiples países latinoamericanos. Sin faltar un momento de reflexión todos los días. Finalizando con charlando, jugando con los demás voluntarios hasta horas de de la madrugada.

El capítulo tres, es cuando toda la acción realmente comienza debido a que se trabaja de 8 de la mañana hasta 4 de la tarde, de lunes a jueves. Excepto el martes que empezamos desde las 7 de la mañana a trabajar en el piso de la Escuela Guadalupe, para mi fue el día más duro debido a que me produje varias quemaduras pero eso no me desanimo en seguir trabajando durante el resto de la semana. Siempre tomamos descansos para tomar agua, ponernos bloqueador y repelente.

Durante la semana iba invadir la cocina un par de ocasiones para ayudar a cocinar.  El jueves hicimos una sopa de pollo, ante todos los voluntarios y ellos mismos ponían en paz a las gallinas de esta manera observar y vivir la alimentación que las personas de la comunidad tienen.

Después de cada jornada del día, no faltaba la potra o como se dice formalmente un partido de fútbol entre los voluntarios extranjeros y el equipo de la zona. Noches de baile, película, juegos, fogatas y diversión.

Honestamente antes de viajar, dudaba de mi misma si realmente debería emprender el viaje porque lo más probable era que no iba a sobrevivir la semana trabajando físicamente en la construcción de las escuelas. La verdad que me alegro no haberme retractado, conocí gente que me inspiró a ser una mejor persona y trabajar arduamente para transformar mi país.  Realmente me cambió mi perspectiva de ver al mundo, me ayudó a fortalecer mi deseo de cumplir mi enorme sueño para ver una nueva Honduras y se que lo lograré con ayuda de todos los catrachos.

Finalizó la semana, los ocho días se han cumplido. No estoy triste, pero sin con angustia de dejar a todas las personas que ahora puedo decirles familia por un tiempo. ¡Definitivamente no es un adiós, sólo un hasta pronto Villa Soleada!

Sí alguien desea efectuar algún tipo de voluntariado, sin duda diría formen parte de la familia Students Helping Honduras sin pensarlo dos veces. Es un proyecto con que me sentí profundamente identificada. Todos los tipos de voluntariados que he realizado anteriormente siempre ha sido brindar clases, compartir tiempo con los niños que es lo fundamental para el desarrollo de los futuros líderes del país y el mundo. El factor que con mis propias manos estoy construyendo aulas que muy pronto diversos niños de escasos recursos con el enorme deseo de estudiar podrán correr por los pasillos, sentarse en los pupitres y recibir clases, ese sentimiento no lo puedo comparar con ningún otro. Te invito a que tu mismo lo experimentes y si tienes una duda será un placer responderlas.

(Créditos fotográficos a Katz & Dennis) 

¡Presiona el botón y transforma la educación de Honduras!
SHH Students Helping Honduras

New Age of Creators

I haven't done a post of discoveries in a long while now, I think it's time for some creative people to admire & receive some inspiration of.

1.Samuel H. Ross

-Category: Filmmaker

-Film: Solitude

2. Kyle T. Houck 
-Category: Photographer 

New Age of Creators vol. III

3. Zachary Smithh

-Category: Illustration & lettering

New Age of Creators


I hope you had enjoy this small time exploring the great creations of this artists. I can't wait to share more with you. If you love someone's work feel free to link down in the comments below. If you haven't checked the past discoveries posts go & have a little more inspiration. 

Which was your favorite creation?

Flash vs. Arrow

Deep inside, you are a superhero 

Lately, I had being watching The Flash & Arrow both shows from CW & had this thought:

I asked my brother: "If you could be Barry or Oli which one you'll want to be?"

He replied, "Obviously, Oli he's completely human & still saves the world." 

Which make me think that's the best answer possible there could be. When we were little (& in some occasion now haha) there has being a thought inside our mind of wishing to have super powers & save the world with the extraordinary. Imagining ourselves running 400 km/s, flying, turning invisible to the humans eye's & every amazing super power showed in the big screen. When in reality we don't need any super power to help others & change the world.

Oli may be considered a hero for some, or a criminal to others. He's like Batman a guardian angel that saves the city at night from those with great wealth that only think selfishly of themselves, offering them the chance to emend their mistakes if not they will see the last arrow cross their body. Giving justice with a different method from court. Oliver Queen it's a human with no super power at all, he decided what to do with his life & work hard for it because of his father's last wish. 

We humans have the chance to be hero's, it's a choice that we make where ever we are. It's all about dedication, hard work, passion & will to mark the difference. We don't need to have the capability of super strength to save the world, all we need it's a great heart, energy & dedication in what we do to help others with it.

Don't say because of your age, location, economic resources you aren't able to do something for someone. It doesn't matter how small it is at least once in your lifetime you'll be tested to help others & it's your choice to give them a hand or your back. 

A hero can be anyone even a man doing something as simple & reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulder to let him know that the world hadn't ended. 

We can be extraordinary in the ordinarie, our heart & actions have the power of a flash to change the world for the better. 


*Photos are from tumblr. 
Tips to learn a new language

I'm currently learning italian, one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I hope one day to be able to have a fluent conversation with an italian while traveling their splendidus country. I decided to give you some tips of how to learn a new language whatever it's the one you are going for. 

1. Learn sentences, not words. 

I like searching for phrases that italians say, doesn't matter if they are slangs or formal to have a proper conversation, with this method you'll start knowing how to use the word when you need it, memorize it faster because your head will imagine the scene & recognize the context that's being use, plus learning grammar naturally without even noticing by analyzing the appropiate sentence structure. 

2. Study everyday 

It's better if you schedule 10 minutes of your day to practice, than waiting until the weekends to study for 2 hours. Frequency it's the key, you'll start building a habit that you won't turn down after a month. 

Some activities you can do are:
  • Reading a blog or a book
  • Watching the news, tv show, movie or a video in youtube
  • Play duolingo or any other learning app
  • Listen to a podcast or some music
  • Talk with a native language speaker
  • Write about your day or post a tweet in that language with what you had learn

3. Speak, don't be afraid

It's horrifying to speak a new language because of how bad you will sound, but if you do not practice it soon as possible you will slow down your process of learning. 

You'll become more confident, recall vocabulary, use grammar & practice pronunciation, also improve listening skills.

Extra tips: 

1. Use flashcards or Memrise. 

It's a little contradictory with what I expose before, but if you want to improve your vocab do this. Paste flashcards around your house that helps you recall vocab or use Memrise to learn new vocabulary if you weren't able to recall it in the next ten minutes from learning it, leave it for tomorrow to practice.

2. Change your phone language 

When I'm learning a new language I like to change my social medias, phone & everything I use, you'll start learning new words while navigating. 

3. Live the language 

Do the most you can in your new language.

When listening to a new song play it 1 to 2 times & try to understand what it's says. Afterwards listen to the song while reading the lyrics 2 to 3 times. Then copy it in a paper, highlight the words you don't understand & search their meaning in the same language. Never use google translator! 

People tell me to try this website interpals, I'm going to give it a shot in the hopes of not finding anything weird. Do you know of another site or had tried this one?

If you want to learn with me some italian i'll be tweeting some phrases under the hashtag #LIWM (Learning Italian with Mafer) i'll be happy to have you join the party.

Which it's your method of learning a new language? 

If you know of any other site or app, podcast, music, etc. that will help everyone & me in the process of learning a new language, share it with us. Also, if anyone knows italian & wish to share some knowledge with all of us I'll be glad to chat with you. I could teach you some Spanish.

Best life advices from cartoons

We all had learned from our favorite shows & movies of our childhood or the one's we still secretly watch. I share with you some of the best life lessons that they had shared with us, that doesn't even represent a one percent of what we had learned. 

1. "Ohama means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten" Stitch

2. "To laugh at yourself is to love yourself" Mickey Mouse

3. "Life doesn't give us purpose. We give life purpose" Flash

4. "Just keep swimming" Dory

5. "Love is an open door." Anna & "Let it go" Elsa, Frozen

6. "Always let your conscience be your guide" The blue fairy, Pinocchio

7. "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now" Edna, The Incredibles

8. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends" Dumbledore, Harry Potter

9. "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul." Chef G, Ratatouille

10. "Sometimes we have to go deep inside ourselves to solve our problems." Patrick, Spongebob Squarepants

11. "A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference." Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh

12. "Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it." Jack Skellington

13. "Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it." Rapunzel, Tangled

14. "There's no one I'd rather be than me." Wreck-it-Ralph

15. "The future is worth it. All the pain. All the tears. The future its worth the fight." Martian Manhuter

Should I do another list? I barely cover some of the good one's.

Which it's your favorite cartoon quote that had change your life?
How to giggle in a lousy day?

We all have bad days, but remember nothing it's forever. If we didn't experience rainy days, we wouldn't appreciate those where the sun shine the brightest. When having the best of times, feel grateful & don't forget what you've been through. When you're not in your best of time, keep your head high, work hard & everything it's going to be ok

I share with you a little list with things you may do when you're having a bad day that I bet will make you feel delighted:  

1. Watch a Disney movie. Doesn't matter what age you are this movies will always cheer you up.

2. Lipsync & dance to your favorite songs like crazy all over your house.

3. Chuckle & smile until you cry, you don't know the power of smiling & how it boost your mood times one thousand.

4. Call a special someone. What's better than calling someone that get's us & we love that knows how to make us happy?

5. Cuddle or play with your pet, they know how to make us feel warm inside.

6. Write off your feelings & thoughts that bothering you. Also, remember to look the bright side of your day, that's worth it all.

7. Swim in the pool, or have a relaxing bath in the tube. It helps relax your body & mind.

8. Watch your favorite TV show, or read your favorite book.

9. Go for a walk, there's nothing more beautiful than enjoying our marvelous world, connecting just with nature & our thoughts, nothing more.

10. Eat chocolate, it makes everyone chortle like a clown. It helps your brain to release endorphins & serotonin, antidepressants & lowers cortisol.

What makes you smile in a bad day?
Start a creative journal

Start a creative journal today & capture moments forever

While going through some old stuff I found out some of my journal's that recorded moments that I didn't even remembered at all. While recreating the past I found that some where captured in different ways & styles which I enjoyed. I think that everybody once in there life had a journal or at least tried to. 

I know that you will love being creative while capturing your moments today & feel the nostalgia next year, so I give you some ideas of how to journal differently: 

1. Collect your day

While looking to my memory box, I found tickets to the Santiago Bernabeú, a tour guide, etc. So, why instead of writing about all your day, collect it like souvenirs! If you went to the cinema save the tickets, if you drank a juice save the sticker, or found a flower while walking with your crush paste them or make a envelope & if you wish write a little about it. 

2. Draw your life 

Inspired in one of the last season trendings videos over youtube you could draw highlights of your day, like a comic. It's a super fun way to relax & practice your skills. 

3. Dream experiences 

We all forget our dreams from last night if they aren't recorded in the first minutes of the day. If you want to recapture the weirdest dreams of yours & maybe write a story about them, definitively have a notebook beside your bed. Describe your feelings even if they sound silly remember that you pretty much lived them. Also, you could write about your day-dreams. 

4. Note yourself

I also found post-it's of me & my friends chatting or sending inspirational quotes to ourselves during the day. What about if you post-it yourself a new lesson that you learn during the day, building a great knowledge book. 

5. Inspiring quotes 

I love searching for quotes or navigating tumblr/instagram any social media to find inspiring poems or quotes that make me reconsider life. Be creative, print, color & illustrate them in the most beautiful way or just write them down for a later inspiration in life. 

6. Little miracles

I am currently doing this in a daily basis. It consists on writing down small miracles of your life to be thankful for. Sometimes if I smiled because of a conversation I screenshot it, or had fun in a special event i'll add a photo. Afterwards a day that I'm feeling down like everything it's going the wrong way. I'll search for that little miracle & read the old one's to appreciate my life. I owe this brilliant idea to Sam Walter

7. Songs stuck in my head

When we are sad, happy or in whatever mood swing there's that one song we feel a connection or can't get out of our heads. Write that little piece that's you can't get out of  your brain, also what you're currently feeling or doing while playing it. After time you can recall the connection you had with the song & probably still have, or the adventures you lived with that song being played, recreating the scenario. I just remember of Inside out movie, it's one of the most deepest disney movies ever, if you haven't watch it what are you waiting for?!

8. Bucket-list it

Write about everything you want to experience, remember anything may happen so be optimistic & open minded. See yourself grow & how your tastes varies over time.

9. Collage goals 

Every goal has it's own page, what you want to accomplish. Draw or cut pictures to describe your goal, leave a page between each one, so when you made it happen write about your journey, feelings & celebration. Maybe even after achieving each goal, they are going to have there own journal. 

Also, you could create a mix journal with all this ideas, be creative & enjoy making it!

Which it's your favorite one? Do you have a journal? 

How to sleep like a baby

All of us at least one time we had a night where falling asleep was impossible. Watching the hours pass by 11 p.m., 1am, 3 a.m., 4:30 a.m. & the alarm start beeping at 5: 00 a.m. making us wake up super angry & tired because of the lack of  sleep. Say goodbye to those nights & let's start following this guide of how to sleep like a baby. 

Let's start with the most important things. 

Where we are sleeping in: 

    It needs to be a dark place, with no lights at all. Close the doors of your room, use dark curtains, don't let the light of the streets get into your room. We can't have the alarm clock near us, neither our cell phones. The reason why it's because the light prevents our body to produce melatonin & serotonin, decontrolling our internal clock too. It also helps us reduce cancer probability. At the same time having this sort of devices makes us stress over time, not relaxing our body at all. 

    Don't use annoying alarm clocks, putting super heavy songs, those one's that you can't even stand. If possible put a calm song that increases it's volume over time by making this you will wake up in a better mood. Instead of waking up with a super loud alarm that will make you angry. 

    Don't use your bed to do another tasks or activities. If your body is used to watch TV or do homeworks in your bed this will not get the body relax to have a better sleep. Search for other areas to do different activities that are not sleeping.

    It's recommended that you don't sleep with someone in the same room, specially if that person snores or moves too much because can affect your sleep.

The best sleeping routine:

Sleep early. The body produces some toxins during 11 p.m. & 1 a.m. which it's the time the body rests the most. If you are awake at this hours, your body will return this toxins to your liver which will affect your health in the future.

Don't alter your sleeping hour. If your body has a sleeping rhythm will be more easy to fall asleep & wake up.

Routine. The key to make yourself feel relax. It can be from turning up some aromatic candles, to meditating, a massage, etc. do anything that makes you feel calm.

Don't drink liquids. At least 2 hours before your bedtime, because it will produce your body to feel the need to wake up at the middle of the night interrupting your dreams or waking at least an hour earlier.

Go to the bathroom. Before going to bed go to the bathroom, this reduces the probabilities of waking up at the middle of the night. It surely helps me a lot that way I don't interrupt my sweet dreams.

Eat proteins. It helps you in the production of melatonin.

No sugars, neither grains. It will increase the sugar in your blood producing your body to have a lot of energy & don't wanting to fall asleep. Also, if the sugars lower down fast at the middle in the night you have the probability to wake up & not being able to fall asleep again.

Hot shower.It reduces the temperature of your body that has increased for the late night hours. It gives a sign to the body that's bed time.

Use socks. Feet it's the worst part of the body with the circulation, making them cold in the middle of the night producing you to wake up. Socks reduces the probabilities of you waking up several times. I dislike using socks, but it surely works a lot.

Use a mask. It helps you to not receive any light, because it's hard to not see your tv blinking or something. Other option it's to put tape or cover all the objects that have light.

How to sleep like a baby (tips)No TV, no work. TV stimulates your brain too much making it hard to fall asleep. Making your body be with no preoccupations or stress at all.

Listen to relaxing music. Listening to natural sounds. I always fall asleep to spotify's sleeping playlists.

Write. If your brain has a lot of thoughts it's useful to write down.

Extra tip: Exercise regularly at least 60 mins, but not at night because it boost up your body. At the same time receive some natural sunlight & enjoy of a great walk during the day. Don't consume alcohol neither drugs because they interrupt your dreams.

Which it's your sleeping routine?

The real beauty it's in a smile & they are free for those that surrounds you. Like they say the best accessory anyone can wear it's their smile. Smiling to the right person in the right moment can influence on how they react afterwards.  

Life is like a mirror. Smile at it, and it smiles back at you. 

How smiling can improve your relationships

1. Be the first one to smile, don't expect others to smile first. It's a great way to establish a better communication & relationships. One of the best methods to create a connection. 

2. Get rid of the wall barrears created between someone.

3. It affects your decisions during the day, making better one's than you would take by being mad.

4. Changes the lives of those that surrounds you 

5. Give hope to those that need it the most over the hard times of their lives. It helps them find sense and comfort around you when they thought everything was lost. 

6. Spread your attitude & make others feel the same. The best way to react to a failure it's by smiling & showing others that it isn't over instead it's just the beginning. 

7. It shows love, comprehension, gentleness, humility & peace. 

Never forget to smile because one day you do not smile is one day lost. -Charles Chaplin

The science of smiling

1. A longer life, studies had shown that people that smile a lot tend to live 4.5 years more than those who smile less & 7 years more than those who don't smile at all. 

2. It makes other people be interested towards you. 

3. It's contagious, if one person smile, two more starts smiling. 

4. There are two types of smile: The genuine & the fake one, which the brain neural circuits had evolved to force a smile hiding other feelings as fears & anger. 

5. Make visual contact to detect if a person is genuinely smiling, if they don't contract their eyelid or it wrinkles it's fake. 

6. It's ok to say that smiles have accents? Yes, depending on your cultural background the smile varies. Japan accent it's in their eyes. Americans accent it's center in their mouth. 

Smile it stimulates your brain, more than it would 2, 000 chocolate bars. Smile you share satisfaction. Smile you share happiness. Smile you reduce stress. Smile you look more attractive. Smile it produces endorphins. Smile you are energetic. Smile you look educated. Smile you look confident. Smile you look capable. Smile it produces you pleasure. Smile everybody feels good beside you. Smile it's contagious. Smile it's a gift. Smile it's nice. Always smile. 

Always remember to smile for a happier & longer life for you & those that surrounds you.  

I'm not the type of person that loves to wear makeup everyday, I just use it in some special occasions. I think it's nice to be said: "wow, you look beautiful today" or something like that for just getting a different style than the usual one. Normally, if you wear makeup everyday people get used the way you look with it & the day you don't put any, they stare at you pretty weird because they are not used to see your natural self. 

Makeup it isn't bad, it's just not really my daily thing. Here it's a list of what not using makeup has taught me: 

1. To save time & invest it in other things. 

Putting makeup on every morning means at least half hour to apply it & combine the shadows, etc. with your outfit. Instead of using my time to do that I read the news in the morning, a good book, exercise, get on time & so much other possibilities that you may be doing something worthwhile. 

2. To appreciate who I am

People look at my natural self everyday, I don't need to worry to be appreciated for a mask if not by for being my truly self. I had notice that a lot of friends that use makeup everyday can't leave the house at least without even using foundation or anything. They are insecure about how they look & I had heard them say it, being worried to be looked like a zombie or a sick person. 

3. To satisfy myself 

I don't follow what's trending, I follow what I'm feeling. I don't have to worry to change a mask to another because of society's demands of beauty. I don't have to complete anyone's standards, just be pleasant to myself. 

4. Confidence

I feel grateful for who I am inside & out. I don't hide flaws & insecurities, I show them & feel proud for who I am. 

5. To be listened to

People are interested to listen to my inner beauty, being interested in what myself offer than what I would had if I had focused my life in facial aspects. 

6. Respect

If you have confidence, people respect you & never are seen as less. 

7. Save money 

Cosmetics products are pricey, I can save money & time to invest them in worthy endeavors. I don't need to worry to have a great collection, to worry if I'm allergic to one product that I can't even return. 

8. Appealing & life changes resistant 

People can be attracted to your looks but it's never lasting for ever. When someone it's interesting in you wants to know what's down your skin, being appreciated for the years you had lived, your warm heart & your appreciation for everything that surrounds you. 

Life changes aren't a problem at all, we know that's inevitable & we are fine with just the way we look. 

If you love makeup it's ok, I think it's an art. If you don't like makeup, it's ok too don't feel the pressure to use it. Always remember to love yourself & never feel the need to satisfy a certain standard. 

Do you use makeup? What are your thoughts about it?