If you're a blogger & are in a need of a design change, but don't have the money to afford a $30- $300 design & you don't know about html you had come to the right place. I'm bringing you some of the best designs on the web for free! 

If you like how my blog looks, you'll definitely love this one's. There's no better pleasure for your eyes & the readers than a clean interface where they can easily find & focus on your content than with this great designs. 

-Food template-

It's a theme that focus on grabbing the readers attention with photos, but at the same time it focus on text by showing an about of each post a really dynamic interface. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.


A minimalistic template with a little bit of pink & gray that's perfect for showing photos & text content. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.


Another great template for bloggers with those amazing photo layouts plus more pink. Easy to use & interactive layout. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.

-Sora Cloud Template- 

A simple & fun interface where the reader will find really peaceful to read & use. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.


A really professional look, that enables you to select from a large variety which article you want to read. Great for images & getting the readers attraction by the title & great design. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.


It's a template that has it all. A great design bar, social media links, great variety of post selection really useful if you have a lot of different contents in your blog, keeping it more organize & don't letting your post get lost. Here you can watch the demo & this it's the download link.

I hope you enjoy this list, the first one of many that will come.

Let me know in the comments below which was your favorite one. Also, if you're going to use any of this one's! 

I haven't posted any playlist since a long while now so it's about time. I decided to call the set of playlists "Escape", we all enjoy listening to music to escape from our daily life routine. We feel connected through music expressing what we feel that we aren't able to say, makes us dance until our feets hurt & so much more. Music is part of our lives. 

I was in the mood of different songs that are not the one's which are played five times in the same hour at the radio station. (Quit old, but lovely) So, I just built a calm & relaxing playlist. It's fresh from the oven a set of of 14 songs, here you have the very first volume of Escape: 



If you will love to check my monthly playlist you can follow me here:


What are some songs that you have being loving lately to escape from this world?

Don't expect others to agree with you 

You are not in this world to please others, neither are them to please you. Stop expecting too much from others. Approve your decisions in life, so you don't need the approval of everyone elses. You deserve to be happy & live the life you want to. Don't let anyone, neither yourself stop you from living the life

Don't expect others respect, when you don't even respect yourself.

Don't beg others for the things you should be giving to yourself. You need to have faith in who you are & start acting like it. The moment you start loving yourself, you will start being a better friend, family member, you will become a better you. 

Stop expecting others to read your mind. 

People can't know what you're thinking. You need to start communicating & expressing yourself more, so that others understand you. People won't know how you feel unless you tell them. 

Stop expecting for everyone to like you.

Doesn't matter how nice you are to people, there will always be someone that criticize you & bring negativity to your life. Don't worry about that person, smile & move on. Let the people that care about you & make you a better version of yourself stand by your side. You might feel unworthy for one person, but for other person you mean the world. Don't forget how much your worth. 

Don't be afraid of being different, just be yourself. That what makes you unique. The hardest battle is just being yourself, doesn't matter who you pretend to be not everyone will love you. So why waste your time & effort trying to attract those who just will bring pain? Be YOU. 

Stop expecting them to be who you want them to be. 

Let yourself see through their beauty. Respect others ideas, opinions & who they are. Respect everything that builds a person, because we are all different & we should let everyone be themselves & admire their uniqueness. 

Stop expecting others to change 

You shouldn't try changing people. There are two options: You decide to accept all of themselves, or you decide to leave without them. The only way someone changes, is when you help them be themselves, they just grow & you see them differently. They had evolve in the most beautiful version of themselves. 

Stop expecting for everyone to be ok

Everyone it's battling in a daily basis. Be kind with everyone, because you never know what they are passing through. It's ok to not be ok. Share & be supportive when someone ask you for help or even if they don't but you know they need it, give your shoulder. 

Stop expecting back

Don't always expect something back for every good action you make for someone. Life will pay you back for every good intention you have. Give without expecting back. Stop thinking of yourself & think of others. Those that won't give you back, the energy that you transmitted will return in a different way or by a different person. 

Sometimes the biggest disappointment of life are the misplaced expectations. The moment when we decide to stop expecting to much from others, we will reduce stress, suffering & frustration to their life's & ours. Let's hope for the best, but let's reduce our expectations. Let's stop creating scenarios in our heads, that contaminates our soul. 

What other things we should stop expecting from others?


33 tips we must  think & apply for a better life.

1. Wake up every morning with a positive thought

2. Eat breakfast

3. Exercise at any time in the day

4. Set a time to turn off social media

5. Appreciate what you have

6. Buy what you need, not what you want

7. Drink water

8. Compliment people

9. Control how you react to situations & how you feel

10. Focus on actions, not on outcomes

11. Give more to yourself

12. Ask more to yourself

13. Respect others opinions. Appreciate differences that make us unique.

14. Be an example so that others follow

15. Don't be afraid to give something up, because greatness may come.

16. Don't wait for the perfect moment, make it happen.

17. Change the present, to built your future.

18. Don't leave in the past, just use it as reference.

19. Always do what you're afraid to do.

20. Give yourself me time.

21. Find something to love about yourself everyday.

22. Wash your face every morning & night.

23. Don't let yesterday take control of today.

24. Make sure that the things you do don't make you feel worse.

25. Remember to love yourself first, to be able to love others.

26. Don't give up. Things get harder, before they get easier.

27. What you do today matters.

28. Start now, tomorrow is uncertain.

29. Let know the people you love how you feel about them.

30. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

31. Read more.

32. Turn off devices before bed.

33. Go to bed with a positive thought.

What are some other tips you think we all need to apply to our life's? 

The name of this post inspired by the creator Orin Willis with his movement & great work made me put a set of youtube creations by different videomakers that I hope you like.

Home by Joe Robles 

What's home for you? 

Appreciate the people that you have that makes you feel like home wherever you go, along that you're with them.

Start living by Tyler Petrich 

What the difference between living & surviving? 

Are you living or surviving? Enjoy your life & every opportunity you have because their is no repeat button in this life.

Inspiration by Caulin Donaldson 

An inspirational piece composed by a set of phrases that will make you smile for sure. 

Remember to do things for yourself, not for others. 

The River by Zac Deck

Enjoy a relaxing trip to the river with beautiful captures. 

Which video was your favorite one? Do you know any small creator with great content? 

Muchas veces no podemos cambiar las circunstancias, pero si como respondemos a ellas. No podemos cambiar el pasado, pero sí trabajar por el presente y lo que será del futuro. 

Debes de cambiar la manera en que miras, piensas y crees de las circunstancias que te rodean. Esto te ayudará a cambiar tu actitud y la manera en que respondes a las cosas que no estan bajo tu control. Estudios han demostrado que la manera en que las personas reaccionan a los eventos se debe primordialmente en la manera que perciben los mismos, no el evento en sí. 

Maneras de como puedes cambiar tu manera de observar los acontecimientos en tu vida: 

// Inmovilidad mental //

Si bien es cierto tienes metas que cumplir, guerras por vencer, inseguridades que sobrepasar, seres queridos que satisfacer. Detente, respira y libera tu mente de todo lo que está sucediendo dentro y alrededor de ti, permitiendo que exista un espacio nuevo en el que buenas vibras puedan entrar. ¡El descanso es necesario! El mundo no se detendrá porque tu no sigas el rumbo por un momento, es saludable tomar un tiempo. Al no hacerlo, tendrás diversas consecuencias y no tendrás las energías suficientes para lograr alcanzar todas las cosas que deseas efectuar. Recuerda dedicar tiempo del día para tí y así lograr recuperarse del caos diario. 

// Cambia tu focus //

Concéntrate en el siguiente paso clave. Mantente positivo, no existen metas desesperanzadas, solo gente que ha crecido con un espíritu sin esperanza. No dejes que el dolor te desesperé, ni que la negatividad acople tu ser, ni que la amargura robe tu dulzura. Gasta tus energías en  acciones para alcanzar tus metas. 

Cambia la manera en que piensas y cambiaras tu realidad. 

Nuestros pensamientos son los inventores de nuestros sueños, son los creadores de nuestros estado de ánimo y los de nuestra voluntad. Por eso debemos de tener el cuidado de los pensamientos que tenemos, todo dependerá de saber seleccionar en que nosotros pensamos y escoger responder a aquellos que nos harán mejores personas y según deseamos ser.

// Entrega las preocupaciones y abraza la aceptación //

La paz se encuentra dentro de nosotros, la puedes encontrar en cualquier momento y lugar, esta no depende de los diversos factores externos. La paz la logras encontrar dentro de tí el momento en que tus pensamientos se encuentran en paz. Al momento que te dejas de preocupar a donde deberías o podrías de estar en vez de realmente estar física y emocionalmente en el lugar donde te encuentras. 

La necesidad que las cosas sean diferentes, es únicamente un signo de preocupación y esta simplemente te diré en círculos sin dirección alguna. Recuerda, lo que anhela en tí alcanzar la paz es  la parte que dentro de tí logra experimentar la paz. No es complicado de conseguir, esta tan cerca como tu siguiente pensamiento, todo depende de los pensamientos que escogas tener en mente. 

// Practica la gratitud //

A veces en la vida no necesitamos más, solo tenemos que aprender ha apreciar lo que tenemos. Debemos aprender a valorar lo que tenemos, que otros carecen de ello. Piensa, puede ser que no tengas lo que deseas, pero lo que tienes es suficiente. Agradece lo que tienes y a la vez por lo que esta pronto a venir. Encuentra la paz en saber que no lo puedes tener todo, como tampoco puedes saberlo todo.Aprecia lo que sabes y lo que aún no sabes, que pronto estarás a punto de conocer esto siendo simbolo de crecimiento. 

Esta bien que tengas sentimientos revueltos en uno, felicidad y tristeza, nervioso y emocionado..es normal. 

// No existe éxito, sin lucha //

Como siempre dicen, si el camino es fácil lo más probable es que estas por el camino equivocado. Todas las circunstancias que experimentamos a pesar de que sean muy difíciles ayudan a crecer aunque no lo mires ahora. Te ayudaran a dirigirte por el buen camino, te corregirán y te ayudarán a perfeccionar.

A pesar de que sientas que todo va mal y continuará así, no todo es para siempre. Muchas veces tenemos que pasar por lo peor para llegar a lo mejor. Las más significativas oportunidades se encuentran en las situaciones más difíciles.

// Busca el comienzo en cada final //

Todo lo que una vez comenzo, debe terminar por lo cual hay que aprender a desatarse emocionalmente de lo que fue y seguir adelante con lo que puede ser. No hay que vivir en el pasado, sino que vivir el presente para construir el futuro. Además, no es el final de todo, sino que es el comienzo de una diferente etapa. 

// Conecta tu cuerpo y mente //

El cuerpo es un reflejo de la mente, por el cual es un espejo de los sentimientos, pensamientos, actitudes, estado de mente se encuentra tu ser. Al momento que logras controlar una, tienes el control para transformar y controlar el otro. Sí logras controlar tu cuerpo, controlas tu mente y viceversa. 

Tu cuerpo es la mejor herramienta para transformar tu actitud. 

La mente es el lugar donde los grandes conflictos residen. Sí dejas que tus pensamientos te consuman, evitarás grandes oportunidades de intentar nuevas cosas y ser quien realmente eres. Los humanos crean escenarios en sus mentes de cosas negativas que pueden pasar y que jamás ocurren. El pensar en estos escenarios produce que te robe tu paz interna, felicidad y la vida. 

Tú decides con que personas te relacionas, en que tono les respondes. Tú decides cómo responder a las situaciones.  

 Let it be just memories, move on. 

Sometimes things in life are better left as mere memories. 

Be thankful for every friendship & relationship you had lived & what each one had thought you. Don't try to stick on to the past, or trying to relive moments or experiences you had together when it's really not the same anymore. Time pass, we all grow. If there is no reason to keep on with the relationship or friendship is time to begin a new chapter, with different characters. Don't let the years that you had share together be the only reason to stay, because that's not enough if there's no spark like it was before. 

Don't be afraid of what that person may do with your deepest darkest secrets, if they were truly your friends they would never hurt you. Don't be afraid of not meeting new people & creating new relationships, because there are billions of people in the planet which who you may find a genuine connection. Neither the fear of tension that your mind creates. 

Remember every relationship & friendship has falls & downs where their can be fix, but don't try to change things like they where before because you will never be happy by trying to make things like they were once. If that person isn't bringing you significant in your life it's clearly a sign that you need distance, at the same time if they don't treat you right, they don't deserve you. 

A list of why you shouldn't keep holding on: 

1. Memories are different than reality 

There's no connection anymore. Each one of you had grown apart which it's ok, you just don't share the same interests, passions. or don't even understand each other. 

It will take time, but you will eventually accept the fact which it's better than trying to bring back the past & force things. 

2. Loyalty & trust disappeared 

The two foundations for any connection so, why this person it's still in your life? If you can't trust him or she anymore & they don't even try to be loyal it's a must let them go. 

It will create multiple feelings that you don't deserve to feel, (anger, frustration, etc.) which we all are better without them. 

3. Need clarity 

If you don't know what you mean to someone at all making you confuse of misdirections, it's time to let them go. If someone loves you & you mean something to them, they will definitely won't treat you wrong they will make you feel significant & important in their lives. They will not play with you heart & mind. They will show to the world how lucky they are to have you. Don't let anyone treat you  like less. 

4. It's damaging you

If this person doesn't treat you right, by making fun of you, they make you feel less, they embarrassed you, abused you & so much more making you question about yourself you need to send them away immediately in the nearest airplane. 

You need to remove the negativity of your life, now! 

5. Differency 

If you only fight over how you can never agree in something. If they can never accept a point of view of yours & you put so much love & effort in it, but they don't appreciate it. It's time to walk away. 

6. One sided 

If you're the only one investing time in the relationship or friendship & the other person don't show any intrest or try to fight for you they don't really care about you. Search for someone who values you & make you feel worthly. 

7. They don't support you 

If they don't encourage you & support you in everything you do, want to do or passed through in the ups & downs in life it isn't worth to keep. 

8. It's just a need

Search for happiness not for sorrow. Don't let them feel that you're needy, just someone that makes you feel someone loved & respected. Someone that will give you advice, love you, will want the same things, they will be loyal & their will be trust in the relationship or friendship & who believes with all their heart the things you are capable of doing. 

Find someone which whom you can share your darkest secret & you don't have to worry about what will happened when you leave, because you know they will keep their lips tightly sealed. Someone that will bring you peace of mind, someone that you won't question their trust or faithfulness because every action they do are reflected that can fill up rather than any empty promise. 

It's not selfish to move on, because it doesn't cultivates a better you being unfair to try to endure a connection when it definitively it isn't.