I've been nominated by the lovely Emma who's 17 years young from the UK for the Liebster Award. It's for new bloggers to get recognized for their creations & hard work. Emma asked me 11 questions which I have to answer in this post & afterwards tag 5, 11 or 20 bloggers to answer my questions. It's simple you just need to answer the questions I made & keep spreading the love to other blog creators to win. 

Let's start with the roll of questions by Emma for me: 

1. What's a massive positive influence in life? 

It may not make any sense, but I may say they are three: myself, experiences & my mother. 

Myself, because of the power that my mind has over each action I make & how I see myself. The mind can make anyone feel powerless or empower, it all depends on the things I say to myself.

Experiences, even though life isn't perfect & you can't control what things will happen to you. Everything had built me in who I am today, good & bad, so I thank for everything that I had live through.

Mother, she has taught me to be a strong & independent women with a high vision of myself. She has always being for me with her unconditional love & great example to follow.

2. What's your favourite movie?

My favorite old movie is A walk to remember. If I have to say a recent one it will be Lucy or Inception.

3. Tattoos..yes or no?

I love seeing tattoos in other people, but personally I wouldn't get one because I feel that in one point of my life I will regret it. 

4. What is your favourite memory?

Sitting outside the Palau Nacional on the hill of Montjuic with my parent enjoying the beautiful view of Barcelona with an amazing acoustic guitar songs played by a local artist. 

5. Favourite crystal?

My favourite crystal is a super rare one called musgravite.

6. Favourite online clothes shop?


7. Favourite instore clothes shop?

Forever 21
8. At the moment, who is you favourite blogger or youtuber?

My favourite blogger is Nicole Eddy & youtuber Jacksgap.

9. Instagram or Twitter?

A really hard question!..I will go with twitter, I'm addicted. 

10. Favourite restaurant?

La cumbre because of it's view, it's a mirador (gazel) restaurant where you can look all the city of Tegucigalpa with some fresh air & elegancy. 

11. Favourite make-up brand?

I don't use make-up on a daily basis just for parties or reunions, but most of my collections are Nars. 

I nominate:
Molly  - Ali - Emme - Jay - Britt 

The question for you guys are:

1. What country do you crave to visit the most?
2. What makes you happy?
3. What's your favorite tv show?
4. What inspires you?
5. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be & why?
6. What's your guiltiest pleasure?
7. What was the last film you watched? & what did you think of it?
8. What's the best advice you had receive?
9. If you could have any superpower which one would be?
10. What's your favourite quote?
11. What inspired you to start blogging?

Rules: Don't forget to link the person who nominate you & the one's you nominated, notify them & thank the person who nominated you. Create 11 new questions for small bloggers & spread smiles.

I can't wait to read yours.
I hope you enjoy your award! 

p.s. If you want to be tagged in this award just leave a comment below letting me know. 

I just watch a collaboration video by Jacksgap about Fear where people shared theres to the world.

So, it made me ask myself, "What do I fear?"

I fear losing my friends, family & everyone I love. 

I fear that I'm not going to make a difference in this world. 

I fear growing up. 

I fear about my future. 

I fear not being happy.

I fear not truly living life. 

I fear not being remembered. 

I fear not leaving a legacy. 

I fear not changing my country.

I fear not succeeding in life & professionally. 

I fear staying & leaving.

I fear being forgotten by the people I love & I thought they loved me back.

I think that if all this fears could be summarized in one word it would be change. I'm scared of the uncertain, but what's the fun part if life wouldn't get out of the ordinary?

It's late hours of the night while I write this words there's no sound at all, everyone is asleep & no one to share company with. I had never fear being alone & I'm the type of person that like to spend time by myself because I get to discover who I am, but while growing I just start asking myself is there anyone that will bare with me till the ends of time? & I will not feel lonileness by their side? Lately on today's society everyone leaves & few decide to stay. Everyone pretends to have good intentions when all they care about are their own interests. 

While I wrote this last line it came to my heart that the only one that will always stand by my side it's going to be forever & ever, God. 

I'm currently nineteen & I'm amused by how fast time has gone. I just got one more year for the two decades to complete, it's a lot of years in such a short amount of time. I feel that I had grown so fast, I want to go back in time, but at the same time I don't. 

Let me tell you something..enjoy every second, every minute, every hour & every day of your life because they are only experience once. Time is one of the greatest gifts that you could have & give to others that part of your life, you just need to find the right people to share it with. 

Let's stop fearing about what can happen tomorrow, who will stick with us till next week, what will & what will not occur. Let's breath, smile & keep living every second that where given at the moment.

Now, I ask you what do you fear?

Valentine's day is here, it a date in the calendar dedicated to love, to show love & receive love. If your single or in a relationship this is a day made for you with any distinction. 

Valentine's not only created for the people with a girlfriend or boyfriend, that have a greater excuse to show love to their soulmate. Some say that they don't celebrate this day because love should be celebrated all the time, when ever you want, whenever you're feeling it, not be force by a day to do all this things. If not show in a daily basis or in a more special & surprise way how you feel about someone showing them how much you care & think about them.  For others this is a day of opportunity, to really show of all the love they are feeling. They have the chance to open their heart like never before & teletransport to a different atmosphere. 

& for those that are single, don't worry, someday in the perfect time you'll find the person that will treat you right. It's better to be alone, than with the wrong person. But, don't worry..Valentine's it's not only a day dedicated to spend it with a couple, if not with everyone. Sharing time with your friends, family & even with people that you don't know but need to be loved. You may do some volunteering! 

Love, it's the strongest force on Earth that exists inside of us. It's a gift which we may share with others in different ways. It's always with you, within you, which needs to get out & spread the love to others. There is always love, in every action you do. Love, fills your soul with a shout out to the world to be felt. Love is waiting for you to smile & share your power with the world. If you share your love, the stronger will become.

Today my valentine's day will consist hanging out with my family & have some late movie night. How is going to be yours? 

Love yourself & do anything for yourself to make you happy. Love others & don't bottle up all your feelings about those you care the most. Open your heart, mind & soul to those who you truly love. 


Ceviche Playa

Les dejo una receta Hondureña de como preparar Ceviche de Curiles, perfecto para cualquier tipo de reunión y muy deliciosa. 

I leave you with a Honduran recipe of how to make Ceviche de Curiles, it's perfect for any type of reunion & really delicious.

Los ingredientes que necesitarán para este exquisito plato son / The ingredients you're going to need for this exquisite plate are:


Ceviche de Curiles

Chile Dulce / Sweet Pepper

Tomate / Tomatoes

Cebolla / Onions

Perejil / Parsley

Limón / Lime

Pimienta / Black Pepper

Salsa Soya / Soy Sauce

Y para acompañar este plato, nunca faltan las galletas simples / & what better thing to go along with this plate than crackers.

Los dejo con un video de preparación hecho por David Venegas / I leave you with a preparation video made by David Venegas.

   Espero disfruten este platillo tanto como yo lo hago / I hope you love this plate as much as I do!

Ceviche de Curiles

*I don't own all the images some are from social media.

Es la una de la mañana mi corazón palpita más fuerte que nunca, mis pensamientos aleatoriamente crean eventos con diversas emociones con diálogos, personas y historias que anhelo que sucedan, pero a la misma vez no las deseo. No espero que alguien comprenda, solamente espero librarme de todo lo que carga mi alma en este preciso instante. 

Recuerdo cada momento de mi vida, como si reprodujera una película en el teatro en tan breves instantes. Aquellas ocasiones que no prestaba tanta importancia a dichos detalles dentro de la escena, intentando ignorar cada toma. Después de un tiempo es inevitable retroceder en los recuerdos y hacer todas las vinculaciones entre el pasado, presente y lo que podría ser en el futuro. Tratas de ignorarlo todo, pero llega un punto que tu ser no te lo permite porque no soporta más el dolor y necesita ser sanado. 

Muchas veces salvamos a los demás con la esperanza de ser igualmente salvados. Existe un límite que toda persona alcanza en su vida unos lo consiguen pronto, otros son más tardíos, pero al fin y al cabo aprenden a confiar en otros sin temor alguno de pedir su tiempo y ser escuchados, pedir su amor y ser amados, pedir su mano y ser salvados.  

Respiro en la esquina más profunda de la habitación, tomó un libro y me teletransporto a una diferente realidad hasta cerrar los ojos y que una brillante luz me permite abrirlos nuevamente. Continuó mi vida,  hago que mis pensamientos se conviertan en realidades, que mis experiencias me hagan una mejor persona y no arrepentirme de lo que cada momento pudo o puede ser, más que sonreír ante cada minuto que transcurre. 

No temas a ser herido/a, más ama con todo tu ser y disfruta de la vida.